We did add something new this time though. I spotted a new vendor inside with a table full of great looking scones. If he's there next time, he's on our list of key destinations. The cinnamon bun scone was moist on the inside, crunchy on the outside and had just the right amount of cinnamon and glaze. (pictured above)
I considered skipping our visit to the Downtown Bakery booth, but even though I could substitute the new scone source for my beloved donut muffin (today only!), I couldn't make it through next week knowing we'd missed the apricot turnover. That turnover went right into the bag next to the new-guy-in-town scone.
Because everything we taste is made with the best ingredients by people who seem excited and proud of what they make––we end up having wonderful treats that don't send us into sugar shock or carb overload. Besides, my husband and I split everything...half the cost, half the calories and we always have room for more.
Mmmmm! Another beautiful day eating our way around SF.