Sunday, July 24, 2011

Ever heard of a Watermelon Radish? Or a Black Radish?

I discovered French Breakfast Radishes last year. Slice, salt and put them on buttered French bread and you have a snappy little treat. Those little radishes have a punch of taste that will wake up most people's taste buds.

Yesterday at the Farmer's Market I was looking for those breakfast radishes when I saw a plateful of different colored slices of some small root vegetables––I couldn't tell what they were so I asked. The vendor explained that "The pink and white one is a Watermelon Radish and the other is a Black Radish––it's really peppery." Whoa, who knew? I tasted the watermelon radish and it was slightly sweet. The black radish was indeed peppery, but it snuck up on you so by the time I left the vendor with my purchase, my mouth was on fire....well, to me it was on fire. Maybe you could say my mouth was "alive" and I didn't need more than that one slice to get the idea that this was one different kind of radish.

So now you and I both know about watermelon radishes and black radishes. They are worth looking for and will introduce you to an entirely unexpected taste from the familiar red radishes we all find in the grocery store.

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