Sunday, May 8, 2011

The Yellow Crane

My husband, Joe, and I often walk around the lake in a local park. It's a lovely 2 1/2-mile walk with opportunities to see turtles, ducks, fresh water pelicans, Canadian geese, an occasional leaping fish and all kinds of birds that rest and nest in the trees that surround the pathway. We also often spot blue herons and white herons and cranes which are wonderful to see either flying gracefully or stalking fish in the shallow waters. I have fun looking for interesting birds that can be hidden and hard to see in some of the denser sections of the trees and ponds.

This is what happened today.
Joe: Do you see that crane?
Me: What crane, where?
Joe: Right there, can't you see it?
Me: No, is it in the water, in a tree or on the ground?
Joe: Your kidding. You can't see that?
Me: So where should I look?
Joe: It's a big yellow crane.
Me: OMG, a YELLOW crane! Where is it exactly?
Joe: Right there, don't tell me you can't see that. It's the biggest one I've ever seen!

By this time I am frantically scanning every bush, tree, nook and cranny to see this yellow crane. I've never even heard of a yellow crane, but I'm not going to miss seeing this one!

Joe's got the camera and I see him position it to take a picture. But he's holding the camera up a bit too high. So I figure the yellow crane is up in a tree top. Then I look up and I see...yes, I finally see the Yellow Crane.

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